.: That Which Stands Under :.

Tuesday, April 20

Philosophy: it's not just for geeks anymore


Sorry I've been so inactive on the blog of late. A couple quick notes:

I just received the latest issue of Faith & Philosophy (being a member of SCP gets you a subscription: you all should be a part... plus it's a great journal) and I noticed something that I've missed in the previous journals. F&P recognizes it's "patrons" who support it with contributions to the journal over and above. Guess who some of the recognized patrons are? Well only the likes of one Dr. Stanley Obitts. I thought that was pretty cool (Alvin Plantinga is another patron recoginized).

I leave Thursday for San Deigo to present my paper. Several of you have offered a great deal of feedback for my paper and I am incorporating your suggestions. I ask that you pray for me as I do my best to effectively present my arguments for the rationality of the Trinity against the static oneness of Allah. In the end, I believe this to be one of the crucial areas of debate in the establishment of Christianity as a more viable, rational, and coherent worldview than that of Islam.

Thanks fellow aspiring philosophers -- I feel like you will all be there with me!


As we've been reading this more difficult work by Moreland of late for metaphysics, I am all that much more intimidated that he will be at the conference. I got to meet him as well as several other philosophers at the EPS nat'l in Atlanta who will be there in San Diego, but I wasn't presenting anything!


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