.: That Which Stands Under :.

Monday, August 30

email and prayer request

My email address is changing to iulvr@excel.com

Also, we are taking our 2, almost 3, year old, Abby, to the Children's Hospital satelite location in Aurora on Wed. She has had about 7 or 8 bladder/kidney infections since the middle of June. About a week after getting off of antibiotics she gets another. They have ran all the tests they can up here and so far everything has come back negative. Your prayers for healing, wisdom for the doctors and comfort for Amy and I would be very much appreciated.

See some of you Thursday in History of Philosophy.


Thursday, August 12

Greetings from Naples, Italy

I figured if BJ can get us all excited about his running with the bulls in Spain (he's really been reading too much Hemingway don't you think?) then I can chime in with a post while I'm over here in Italy.

I'm doing my Naval Reserve duty out here in Naples. I've tried to cram in a bunch of philosophical reading, but I keep getting distracted by the sites. I've been out to Pompeii and climbed Mt. Vesuvius. Quite incredible stuff.

A little over two weeks left before we hit the grind again. I hope that my credit card doesn't melt when I buy all of the History of Philosophy books. I look forward to seeing some of you soon.
