.: That Which Stands Under :.

Thursday, January 22

"What Matters" or "Why we care about this at all" -- and a plan


You all know I am wholeheartedly behind this vision.

To recap, and just to pump us up a little, allow me to remind us why we want to pursue this vision

We believe in the truth. We believe that truth is real, objective, and corresponds to reality. We believe the content of that truth to be that there is a God, that humanity is in dire straights in separation from him, but that he loves us so incredibly that he reconciled us to himself although we were unworthy of it by his work on our behalf: the death and resurrection of this God made incarnate in Christ. We believe that this truth is the answer to all of humanity's problems. That this truth lays the metaphysical groundwork to allow existence to have meaning and purpose. This truth allows ethics and morality to have sustainability and coherence. This truth allows those who believe and follow the truth to be born again and live a new life free from the shackles of rebellion and be formed as a community of Christ called the church. And that this community is a radical light to this world lost in depravity and darkness. Further, we believe that as members of this Church, we can contend for the truth. That is, we believe in the truth because it is the most "believable" option. We believe that the truth is not only plausible, but likely, and not only likely, but highly likely, indeed the most probable of all the options -- and we have arguments to prove just that. Against the lies and darkness of other claims to truth, THE truth shines through.

We believe that this is what matters most. And we long to give our lives to the defense of and spreading of that truth. As up and coming philosophers we believe we can do battle for the truth in perhaps the most influential and foundationally important arena of the modern Academic community. Our influence in this arena of philosophy, we believe, can send reverberations throughout the rest of the academic world, and then ultimately through the entire world, as the truth of Christ is seen for what it is: the truth. We want to take back the University for Christ and return those institutions of thought into bastions of the truth. We want to train, equip, and establish confident throngs of believers who not only know what they believe, but why they believe, and most importantly, can effectively and powerfully defend why they believe the truth to those who do not. We also want to establish confident scholars at the highest levels of Academia who are not only unashamed of their faith, but bold in their proclamation, and defense, of it. It's about Christianity taking its rightful place as the truth. It's about the academic world, and by consequence the whole of contemporary culture, no longer being able to shuffle Christianity off to a corner of quaint irrelevance. It's about Christianity taking the high ground in every battle for every mind and soul on this earth -- so that Christ's gospel may be known, and believed. We want to give our lives to be God's tools in that endeavor.

Now, since that's why we care... I recommend the following course of action:

We assign a couple of us the job of drafting a "DenSem PR Future Manifesto". This proposal would effectively get down on paper our passion for PR and desire to be trained in it so that we can contend for the truth in the marketplace of ideas, our desire to see it grow and be strengthened at DenSem for that end, and our suggested ideas on how to accomplish this (i.e. more faculty, increased recruiting, etc).

Then, a few of us, will schedule a meeting with the Dr. Williford and Dr. MacFarland and other important leaders at DenSem and present our vision -- give em' our pitch.

After that we'll just see what meetings we can get in on. If there is some board meeting happening somewhere, we'll try to get on the agenda and present our case. We will continue to schedule meetings with influential and important players to incessantly emphasize our point. Perhaps we can get some endorsements on our Manifesto from the likes of Dr. G, Dr. Lewis, Dr. Obitts, and any others connected to the seminary who are sympathetic to our cause. After a short while we will re-address and schedule more meetings with those same leaders to "follow-up" and show them that we have determination in this goal.

Sound like a plan?

Let's do it. Who wants to write up our thoughts on all this in a cogent and brief piece? Who wants to meet with the President and Dean and make our case? (I volunteer to be one of the ones on this group).

You all rock.


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