.: That Which Stands Under :.

Friday, November 14


David, I tried, but unfortunately I cannot access infidels from my office (it's filtered for some reason incomprehensible to me). But, I will try to register from my home computer and perhaps I can give you a little support on some discussions. I like the tag-team idea.

As far as the IVF staff worker, let me restate what I said the other night here, since not everyone on this blog was in class last night. I simply want to encourage everyone that IV is not "lost" nor does it think apologetics is dead. Obviously this staff worker has gone a little post-modern on us, but I assure you he is the exception and not the norm. There is a staff worker at CSU, for example, Don Everetts, who is constantly preaching directly AGAINST relativism and he teaches apologetics. Also, at UW, Tony Archer leads a team of outstanding staffworkers who teach their students a full discipleship model that includes loving the Lord with all of your mind. Abbi and I have done a good bit of work over the years with IVF, and on the whole this type of discussion that David had with a staffworker is an anomaly (but still, it is very discouraging I agree).


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