.: That Which Stands Under :.

Friday, May 21

Summer Reading

Right now I am in the midst of the truly captivating _Crime and Punishment_ by the great Christian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. I am actually going to do a study on him all summer. Actually -- all year. I do this funny little thing I'd love to share with you all: every New Year I decide upon one Christian from the past to study in depth for that entire year. I read biographies on them and read anything they've written or spoke that I can get my hands on. This is my third year doing it. The first year I did Francis Schaefer -- I read most of his stuff and other articles and commentaries written about him, etc. The next year I studied Martin Luther King, Jr. I read a great deal of his writings and speeches and a couple bios throughout the year. It was a phenomenal experience. This past New Year's eve I decided to go with a great Christian Russian novelist. It was a tough call between Solhenitsyn and Dostoebsky -- but I decided Alexander is still alive so I went with Fyodor. I haven't done a lot yet on Dost -- just some short bio sketches. After I'm done with Crime & punish (I picked it up the hour after I turned in my metaphysics final; I'm about half-way through) I plan on also reading _The Gambler_, _The Brothers Karamazov_, and _The Idiot_ to get a vast range of his work. Should be fun. I know it's about 7 months early -- but any early suggestions for who I should study next year?

Oh yeah -- I'm also going to try another go at Warranted Christian Belief by Plantinga, I'm going to read more selections from the Metaphysics readers I now own (Jeramy and I are going to read through some of those together if anyone is interested), I am also going to pick up some more Hauerwaus (probably the two Foreign Alien ones -- can't remember specific titiles). Finally, I hope to read some of Roderick Chisolms' main works. Outside of all of that I am sure my wife will get me to read a kid's novel or two (she's a 5th grade teacher and is always having me read some of her kid's books).
If I can possibly get to it I also would like to read some more of _Foundations_ from Moreland and Craig. I've read a lot of the tome, but not yet all of it. After that I have book after book sitting on my shelf that I am dying to read but I fancy I may never get to at this rate!!! I have the old "Buy the books you know you want to read now -- and then you will have to read them eventually!" theory -- thus there are a great number on my shelf that are in line.

Good day to you all.


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