.: That Which Stands Under :.

Thursday, January 22

Next step?

First, I want you all to know how blessed I feel to be able to study, learn and grow with each of you. You have all been an inspiration and source of encouragement to me during my time at DenSem. Becky, thanks for getting this blog going.

Second, I agree with David when he said “I believe strongly that God is raising up a generation of Christians who will begin to represent the truth in [the university]” and I believe around the world. I think we are in an important time in our history when people have begun to recognize the failures of modernity’s rejection of the supernatural, miracles and revelational knowledge as it focused solely on reason. Postmodernism is in the process of making just as grievous an error in rejecting objective truth and the validity of rationality and science to discover truth. We can, with God’s help, be a light in this time of searching for so many and make a stand for Christ.

Third, I think BJ’s first two paragraphs would be a good place to begin in writing a “DenSem PR Future Manifesto”. I think he has laid out a good plan that we can and should expand on and take serious action on. My fear is that when classes start on Monday that we will become busy and this will be pushed back because of our demanding schedules. I too often feel out of the loop because of distance from campus and each of you. So, are there any of you that would be able to get together this weekend sometime to work on this manifesto and make some plans? I am teaching a class at church Sunday morning but would love to get together and work on this before the semester swallows me up.

Fourth, I think we have something special in the people we have in the program and our desire to not only stand for the Truth but to build a community like the one around this blog and those interested in taking the PR program to new heights. I would also like us to think about how we make this a continuing, ongoing group. I would love to figure out some way to help us make more personal connections as well as professional. A regular “conference” or get together that would not only build this community while at the the seminary but also extend beyond our time at DenSem. Some way of taking the passion, desire and efforts we are beginning to exert and keep them going.

Any takers?



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