.: That Which Stands Under :.

Thursday, February 5

Kant and Me

Sounds like the title to a Michael Moore film doesn't it?

Next Thursday, Feb. 12th, 2004 is the 200th anniversary of Immanuel Kant's death. It also happens to be the 35th anniversary of my birth.

In the words of the immortal philosophers C&C Music Factory, "Things that make you go hmmm."

So when are we having the big PR blowout BJ and Becky? My noumena is in need of a little phenomenal interaction.


P.S. - David, I'm too tired for a full critique of Geisler's argumentright right now, but I think the problem is in assertion 2. I can spend a real dollar (which is a very important characteristic to me), while an imaginary one won't get me very far.


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