.: That Which Stands Under :.

Wednesday, February 4

Zoinks Redux

BJ, you said, "let's suppose that a Zoink is the 2nd greatest conceivable being, but it is ALSO a necessary being." This definition doesn't work. This is where it feels like the ontological argument cheats. ONLY the greatest conceivable being has to be a necessary being, all others are contingent. Your Zoink can not ALSO be a necessary being. The same goes for the mountain of gold (hegmount) that Van Inwagen talks about in his chapter on the ontological argument in the skinny Metaphysics book.

BTW - sorry, but I already nominated "Phoebus" for the name of the bull - it just sort of came to me.

P.S. - Becky, being the number afficionado and moviephile that you are, please tell us how many times you've seen the movie Pi... ; )


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