.: That Which Stands Under :.

Saturday, February 14

Dr. Obitts and his ability to "sniff people out"

After reflecting on my response to the Onto I realize that I certainly come across as an Empircist.

Do you remember in class (for those of you that were there) when Dr. Obitts said that everyone deep down is EITHER an Empiricist or a Rationalist? That surprised me, and then further when he said that eventually he can always "sniff you out" and figure out which one you are.

Well, I suppose in reaction to the Naturalists/Materialists (who are my most frequent advesary) I would have thought that I'd tend to fall on the Rationalist side of things. Yet clearly of late I've been arguing against such speculation and for experience based knowledge. How odd... I am really quite surprised at myself, to be frank.

Has anyone else wrestled with what you "are" in this sense (Empiricist or Rationalist)? Dr. O's comments have stayed with me... Is he right? Are we all really one or the other?


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