.: That Which Stands Under :.

Thursday, February 26

The Passion

Abbi and I saw the Passion last night...

It was, simply put, the greatest film, far and away, I have ever seen. But, of course, that is ridiculously besides the point. I don't care much about what is the greatest film of all time. We all do not care much about the things of this world. I care about the greatest person of all time and what he did for us. I know there is a good deal of controversy over this film amongst us. Several of you, including Dr. Groothuis, think the film is too violent and therefore not worth watching. I could not disagree more strongly. After this post I will post the email interactions between Dr. G and myself on this point. But, in actuallity, no email chain can possibly explain my argument correctly. Friends... No, brother and sisters: this film is ... .... hmmm, no words seem to fit here. I honestly do not know how to describe it. But hear me: you should see it. It portrays the most important event in history. It does so very well and very powerfully. It was a deeply profound and impacting spiritual experience for both of us. When you do go see it, prepare your heart, set aside Christ as lord, and do not plan on doing anything else the rest of the night (you will need time to process through it. For me, I needed the rest of the night to weep, think, and rest upon the fact of the love of Jesus Christ. My King. I worship him. And I needed to spend last night simply aware of that fact).

Another post with more discussion to follow.


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