.: That Which Stands Under :.

Tuesday, March 2

Christian Aesthetics

Andy, I really liked this portion of your post:

Does anyone know if any work has been done in Christian aesthetics? I am concerned about the difference between saying something is a "good" work of art and "I was moved by it" in Christian thought. Are these statements the same?

These are important questions that I believe are too often lefted unanswered in the Christian community.

I know that Jed has an interest in studying aesthetics, does anyone else out there plan on bringing their Christian philosophic efforts to bear on these issues?

It seems that this is another area that we as Christian philosophers have left to the secular. Yet, it seems so ironic that we do. What better basis could one have for aesthetics than the Imago Dei? Why do we find certain images resonating within our soul? Is it that in some way the image of God in that created work connects with the image of God in us? Difficult questions, but seemingly well worth the effort to examine.


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